Kế hoạch giáo dục môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 12 - Chương trình 10 năm

Introduction Introduction - Help Ss to know about the English book grade 12 in general.(themes, tests, lessons etc.

- Introduce how to do an oral test, a

fifteen - minute tests and a written test.

- Introduce the theme and units.

- Have positive attitude toward the lesson

- Have self-solving; communication, cooperation, using language, self-managing, creation; patriotism, humanism, modest, hard-working Pair/group work Individual work


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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Kế hoạch giáo dục môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 12 - Chương trình 10 năm

Kế hoạch giáo dục môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 12 - Chương trình 10 năm
HỌC KÌ I: Tổng số tiết: 54 tiết/19 tuần
Tiết theo thứ tự
Tên bài học
Nội dung kiến thức
Yêu cầu cần đạt
Hình thức tổ chức dạy học
Tuần 01
Từ ngày 07/09/2020 đến ngày 12/09/2020
- Help Ss to know about the English book grade 12 in general.(themes, tests, lessons etc.
- Introduce how to do an oral test, a
fifteen - minute tests and a written test.
- Introduce the theme and units.
- Have positive attitude toward the lesson
- Have self-solving; communication, cooperation, using language, self-managing, creation; patriotism, humanism, modest, hard-working
Pair/group work Individual work
Unit 1. Life stories
Getting started
- Get to know the topic, some vocabulary related to people’s life stories, and the two grammar points: revision of the past simple vs. The past continuous and use of articles
- Have positive attitude toward the lesson
- Have self-solving; communication, cooperation, using language, self-managing, creation; patriotism, humanism, modest, hard-working
Pair/group work Individual work
Unit 1:
Life stories
- Use words and phrases related to people’s life stories
- Identify and pronounce homophones correctly
- Use the past simple and the past continuous to talk about past actions or events; use articles correctly 
- Have positive attitude toward the lesson
- Have self-solving; communication, cooperation, using language, self-managing, creation; patriotism, humanism, modest, hard-working
Pair/group work Individual work
Tuần 02
Từ ngày 14/09/2020 đén ngày 19/09/2020
Unit 1:
Life 4 stories
- Read for specific information about two people’s life stories
- Have positive attitude toward the lesson
- Have self-solving; communication, cooperation, using language, self-managing, creation; patriotism, humanism, modest, hard-working
Pair/group work Individual work
Unit 1:
Life stories
- Talk about a historical figure
- Have positive attitude toward the lesson
- Have self-solving; communication, cooperation, using language, self-managing, creation; patriotism, humanism, modest, hard-working 
Pair/group work Individual work
Unit 1: Life stories
- Listen for specific information in a talk show about privacy and lessons learnt from people’s life stories
- Have positive attitude toward the lesson
- Have self-solving; communication, cooperation, using language, self-managing, creation; patriotism, humanism, modest, hard-working
Pair/group work Individual work
Tuần 03
Từ ngày 21/09/2020 đến ngày 26/09/2020
Unit 1: Life stories
- Write a person’s life story
- Have positive attitude toward the lesson
- Have self-solving; communication, cooperation, using language, self-managing, creation; patriotism, humanism, modest, hard-working
Pair/group work Individual work
Unit 1: Life stories
Communication and culture
- Learnt about Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, the creator of Sherlock Holmes
- Have positive attitude toward the lesson
- Have self-solving; communication, cooperation, using language, self-managing, creation; patriotism, humanism, modest, hard-working
Pair/group work Individual work
Unit 1: Life stories
Looking back and project
- Revise knowledge students have learned in unit 1.
- Write a famous person’s profile and give a presentation about him/her
- Have positive attitude toward the lesson
- Have self-solving; communication, cooperation, using language, self-managing, creation; patriotism, humanism, modest, hard-working
Pair/group work Individual work
Tuần 04
Từ ngày 28/09/2020
đến ngày
Unit 2: Urbanisation
Getting started
- Get to know the topic and some vocabulary related to urbanisation and its feature, forming and using compound adjectives, recognising diphthongs and practising pronouncing them correctly, using the subjunctive in that-clauses after certain verbs and expressions
- Have positive attitude toward the lesson
- Have self-solving; communication, cooperation, using language, self-managing, creation; patriotism, humanism, modest, hard-working
Pair/group work Individual work
Unit 2: Urbanisation
- Use words and phrases related to urbanisation and its features
- Form and use compound adjective
- Recognise diphthongs and practise pronouncing them corectly
- Use the subjunctive in That-clauses after certain verbs and expressions
- Have positive attitude toward the lesson
- Have self-solving; communication, cooperation, using language, self-managing, creation; patriotism, humanism, modest, hard-working
Pair/group work Individual work
Unit 2: Urbanisation
- Read for specific information in an article about urbanisation and its causes
- Have positive attitude toward the lesson
- Have self-solving; communication, cooperation, using language, self-managing, creation; patriotism, humanism, modest, hard-working
Pair/group work Individual work
Tuần 05
Từ ngày 05/10/2020 đến ngày 10/10/2020
Unit 2: Urbanisation
- Discuss key features of urbanisation and express opinions about a preferable place of living
- Have positive attitude toward the lesson
- Have self-solving; communication, cooperation, using language, self-managing, creation; patriotism, humanism, modest, hard-working
Pair/group work Individual work
Unit 2: Urbanisation
- Listen for general ideas and specific information in a discussion about the advantages and disadvantages of urbanisation
- Have positive attitude toward the lesson
- Have self-solving; communication, cooperation, using language, self-managing, creation; patriotism, humanism, modest, hard-working
Pair/group work Individual work
Unit 2: Urbanisation
- Describe a line graph about the rate of urbanisation
- Have positive attitude toward the lesson
- Have self-solving; communication, cooperation, using language, self-managing, creation; patriotism, humanism, modest, hard-working
Pair/group work Individual work
Tuần 06
Từ ngày 12/10/2020 đến ngày 17/10/2020
Unit 2: Urbanisation
Communication and culture
- Understand more about urbanisation in Bangkok
- Have positive attitude toward the lesson
- Have self-solving; communication, cooperation, using language, self-managing, creation; patriotism, humanism, modest, hard-working
Pair/group work Individual work
Unit 2: Urbanisation
Looking back and project
-Revise what they have learned in unit 2.
- Deliver a presentation about a city’s/country’s urbanisation
- Have positive attitude toward the lesson
- Have self-solving; communication, cooperation, using language, self-managing, creation; patriotism, humanism, modest, hard-working
Pair/group work Individual work
Tuần 07
Từ ngày 19/10/2020 đến ngày 24/10/2020
- Revise knowledge students have learned in unit 1, 2,
- Have positive attitude toward the lesson
- Have self-solving; communication, cooperation, using language, self-managing, creation; patriotism, humanism, modest, hard-working
Individual work
Pair/group work
Unit 3: The green movement
Getting started
- Get to know the topic, some vocabulary related to the advantages and disadvantages of a green lifestyle, and the two grammar points: simple, compound, and comples sentences, and relative clauses with Which referring to the whole idea presented in the main clause
- Have positive attitude toward the lesson
- Have self-solving; communication, cooperation, using language, self-managing, creation; patriotism, humanism, modest, hard-working
Pair/group work Individual work
Unit 3: The green movement
- Use words and phrases related to the advantages and disadvantages of a green lifestyle
- Recognise and pronounce assimilation of consonants before /m/, /b/, /p/, and /s/
- Use simple, compound, and complex sentences
- Understand and use relative clauses with Which referring to the whole clause
- Have positive attitude toward the lesson
- Have self-solving; communication, cooperation, using language, self-managing, creation; patriotism, humanism, modest, hard-working
Pair/group work Individual work
Tuần 08
Từ ngày 26/10/2020 đến ngày 31/10/2020
Unit 3: The green movement
- Read for general ideas and specific information in an article about soot pollution
- Have positive attitude toward the lesson
- Have self-solving; communication, cooperation, using language, self-managing, creation; patriotism, humanism, modest, hard-working
Pair/group work Individual work
Unit 3: The green movement
- Discuss lifestyle choices and decide if they are environmentally friendly
- Have positive attitude toward the lesson
- Have self-solving; communication, cooperation, using language, self-managing, creation; patriotism, humanism, modest, hard-working
Pair/group work Individual work
Unit 3: The green movement
- Listen for general ideas and specific information in a talk show about a school’s Go Green initiative
- Have positive attitude toward the lesson
- Have self-solving; communication, cooperation, using language, self-managing, creation; patriotism, humanism, modest, hard-working
Tuần 09
Từ ngày 02/11/2020 đến ngày 07/11/2020
Unit 3: The green movement
- Write an essay about the advantages and disadvantages of a green lifestyle
- Have positive attitude toward the lesson
- Have self-solving; communication, cooperation, using language, self-managing, creation; patriotism, humanism, modest, hard-working
Pair/group work Individual work
Unit 3: The green movement
Communication and culture
- Learn about the greenest countries and cities in the world
- Have positive attitude toward the lesson
- Have self-solving; communication, cooperation, using language, self-managing, creation; patriotism, humanism, modest, hard-working
Pair/group work Individual work
Unit 3: The green movement
Looking back and project
- Revise knowledge students have learnt in unit 3
- Do survey and know how to interview, communicate and collaborate with others
- Have positive attitude toward the lesson
- Have self-solving; communication, cooperation, using language, self-managing, creation; patriotism, humanism, modest, hard-working
Pair/group work Individual work
Tuần 10
Từ ngày 09/11/2020 đến ngày 14/11/2020
Review 1.1
Language revision
- Revise the language students have learnt in unit 1,2 and 3
- Have positive attitude toward the lesson
- Have self-solving; communication, cooperation, using language, self-managing, creation; patriotism, humanism, modest, hard-working
Pair/group work Individual work
Review 1.2
Skill revision
( Reading
- Revise skills: reading and speaking students have learnt in unit 1, 2 and 3
- Have positive attitude toward the lesson
- Have self-solving; communication, cooperation, using language, self-managing, creation; patriotism, humanism, modest, hard-working
Pair/group work Individual work
Review 1.3
Skill revision
- Revise skills: Listening and writing students have learnt in unit 1, 2 and 3
- Have positive attitude toward the lesson
- Have self-solving; communication, cooperation, using language, self-managing, creation; patriotism, humanism, modest, hard-working
Pair/group work Individual work
Tuần 11
Từ ngày
16/11/2020 đến ngày 21/11/2020
Mid-first term test
Mid-first term test
- To test and mark the knowledge students have learnt
- Have positive attitude toward the test
- Have self-solving; self-managing, creation; modest, hard-working
Individual work
Unit 4: The mass media
Getting started
- Get to know the topic, some vocabulary related to the use of the mass media in our life, revision of two grammar points (prepositions after certain verbs and the past perfect vs. The past simple); 
- Have positive attitude toward the lesson
- Have self-solving; communication, cooperation, using language, self-managing, creation; patriotism, humanism, modest, hard-working
Pair/group work Individual work
Tuần 12
Từ ngày 23/11/2020 đến ngày 28/11/2020
Unit 4: The mass media
- Use words and phrases related to the mass media
- Pronounce correctly the verb ending –ed
- Use prepositions after certain verbs; use the past perfect and the past simple
- Have positive attitude toward the lesson
- Have self-solving; communication, cooperation, using language, self-managing, creation; patriotism, humanism, modest, hard-working
Pair/group work Individual work
Unit 4: The mass media
- Read for general ideas and specific information in an article about forms of mass media talk about social networking
- Have positive attitude toward the lesson
- Have self-solving; communication, cooperation, using language, self-managing, creation; patriotism, humanism, modest, hard-working
Pair/group work Individual work
Unit 4: The mass media
- Talk about social networking
- Have positive attitude toward the lesson
- Have self-solving; communication, cooperation, using language, self-managing, creation; patriotism, humanism, modest, hard-working
Pair/group work Individual work
Tuần 13
Từ ngày 30/11/2020 đến ngày 05/12/2020
Mid first term test correction
Mid-first term test correction
- Feedback on Ss’ performance
- Have positive attitude toward the lesson
- Have self-solving; communication, cooperation, using language, self-managing
Individual work
Unit 4: The mass media
- Listen for specific information in a conversation about social media: language-learning apps
- Have positive attitude toward the lesson
- Have self-solving; communication, cooperation, using language, self-managing, creation; patriotism, humanism, modest, hard-working
Pair/group work Individual work
Unit 4: The mass media
- Describe a pie chart showing the use of online resources
- Have positive attitude toward the lesson
- Have self-solving; communication, cooperation, using language, self-managing, creation; patriotism, humanism, modest, hard-working
Pair/group work Individual work
Tuần 14
Từ ngày 07/12/2020 đến ngày 12/12/2020
Unit 4: The mass media
Communication and culture
- Understand more about social media apps
- Have positive attitude toward the lesson
- Have self-solving; communication, cooperation, using language, self-managing, creation; patriotism, humanism, modest, hard-working
Pair/group work Individual work
Unit 4: The mass media
Looking back and project
- Revise knowledge students have learnt in this unit
- Participate in a group discussion by critically listening and respecting other people’s opinions and ideas on social networking sites and apps
- Carry out a survey, interview people and report the results
- Have positive attitude toward the lesson
- Have self-solving; communication, cooperation, using language, self-managing, creation; patriotism, humanism, modest, hard-working
Pair/group work Individual work
Unit 5: Cultural identity
Getting started
- Get to know the topic, some vocabulary related to cultural identity, and the two grammar points: revision of the present perfect vs. The resent perfect continunous, and the use of repeated comparatives
- Have positive attitude toward the lesson
- Have self-solving; communication, cooperation, using language, self-managing, creation; patriotism, humanism, modest, hard-working
Pair/group work Individual work
Tuần 15
Từ ngày 14/12/2020 đến ngày 19/12/2020
Unit 5: Cultural identity
- Use words and phrases related to cultural identity
- Identify and pronounce sounds affected by assimilation
- Use the present perfect and present perfect continuous to talk about an action/event and results of an action/event; use repeated comparatives to say that sometimes is changing
- Have positive attitude toward the lesson
- Have self-solving; communication, cooperation, using language, self-managing, creation; patriotism, humanism, modest, hard-working
Pair/group work Individual work
Unit 5: Cultural identity
- Read for specific information in a passage about cultural identity in today’s modern society
- Have positive attitude toward the lesson
- Have self-solving; communication, cooperation, using language, self-managing, creation; patriotism, humanism, modest, hard-working
Pair/group work Individual work
Unit 5: Cultural identity
- Talk about the ways to maintain cultural identity
- Have positive attitude toward the lesson
- Have self-solving; communication, cooperation, using language, self-managing, creation; patriotism, humanism, modest, hard-working
Individual work
Tuần 16
Từ ngày 21/12/2020 đến ngày 26/12/2020
Unit 5: Cultural identity
- Listen for general ideas and specific information in a talk about cultural diversity in an Asian country
- Have positive attitude toward the lesson
- Have self-solving; communication, cooperation, using language, self-managing, creation; patriotism, humanism, modest, hard-working
Pair/group work Individual work
Unit 5: Cultural identity
- Write an essay about the most important feature that defines someone’s cultural identity
- Have positive attitude toward the lesson
- Have self-solving; communication, cooperation, using language, self-managing, creation; patriotism, humanism, modest, hard-working
Pair/group work Individual work
Revision 1
- Revise kowledge students have learnt in unit 1, 2, and 3
- Have positive attitude toward the lesson
- Have self-solving; communication, cooperation, using language, self-managing, creation; patriotism, humanism, modest, hard-working
Pair/group work Individual work
Tuần 17
Từ ngày 28/12/2020 đến ngày 02/01/2021
Revision 2
- Revise kowledge students have learnt in unit 4 and 5
- Have positive attitude toward the lesson
- Have self-solving; communication, cooperation, using language, self-managing, creation; patriotism, humanism, modest, hard-working
Pair/group work Individual work
The final first term test
The final first term test
- To test and mark the knowledge students have learnt
- Have positive attitude toward the test
- Have self-solving; self-managing, creation; modest, hard-working
Individual work
Tuần 18
Từ ngày 04/01/2021 đến ngày 09/01/2021
Unit 5: Cultural identity
Communication and culture
- Learn about festivals that helps some ethnic groups in Viet nam to maintain their cultural identity
- Have positive attitude toward the lesson
- Have self-solving; communication, cooperation, using language, self-managing, creation; patriotism, humanism, modest, hard-workingpatriotism, humanism, modest, honesty
Pair/group work Individual work
Unit 5: Cultural identity
Looking back and project
- Revise knowledge students have learned
- Design a poster about an ethnic group in Viet Nam and give a presentation about this ethnic group
- Have positive attitude toward the lesson
- Have self-solving; communication, cooperation, using language, self-managing, creation; patriotism, humanism, modest, hard-working
Pair/group work Individual work
Review 2.1
 Language revision
- Revise the language students have learnt in unit 4 and 5
- Have positive attitude toward the lesson
- Have self-solving; communication, cooperation, using language, self-managing, creation; patriotism, humanism, modest, hard-working-
Pair/group work Individual work
Tuần 19
Từ ngày 11/01/2021 đến ngày 16/01/2021
Review 2.2
Skill revision
- Revise skills: Reading and Speaking students have learnt in unit 4 and 5
- Have positive attitude toward the lesson
- Have self-solving; communication, cooperation, using language, self-managing, creation; patriotism, humanism, modest, hard-working
Pair/group work Individual work
Review 2.3
Skill revision
- Revise skills: Listening and writing students have learnt in unit 4 and 5
- Have positive attitude toward the lesson
- Have self-solving; communication, cooperation, using language, self-managing, creation; patriotism, humanism, modest, hard-working
Pair/group work Individual work
The final first term test correction
The final first term test correction
- Feedback on Ss’ performance
- Have positive attitude toward the lesson
- Have self-solving; communication, cooperation, using language, self-managing
Individual work
HỌC KÌ II: Tổng số: 51 tiết/ 17 tuần
Tiết theo thứ tự
Tên bài học
Nội dung kiến thức
Yêu cầu cần đạt
Hình thức tổ chức dạy học
Tuần 20
Từ ngày 18/01/2021 đến ngày 23/01/2021
Unit 6: Endangered species
Getting started
- introduce the topic, some vocabulary related to endangered species, and the two grammar points: the future perfect and double comparatives
- Have positive attitude toward the lesson
- Have self-solving; communication, cooperation, using language, self-managing, creation; patriotism, humanism, modest, hard-working
Pair/group work Individual work
Unit 6: Endangered species
- Understand and use words and phrases related to endangered animals and plants
- Identify and use appropriate linking between vowels in fast, connected speech
- use the future perfect to describe future actions or events
- Use double comparatives to describe a cause – and – effect process
- Have positive attitude toward the lesson
- Have self-solving; communication, cooperation, using language, self-managing, creation; patriotism, humanism, modest, hard-working
Pair/group work Individual work
Unit 6: Endangered species
- Read for general ideas and specific inforation and identify different opinions about protecting endangered species
- Have positive attitude toward the lesson
- Have self-solving; communication, cooperation, using language, self-managing, creation; patriotism, humanism, modest, hard-working
Pair/group work Individual work
Tuần 21
Từ ngày 25/01/2021 đến ngày 30/01/2021
Unit 6: Endangered species
- Talk about how to protect endagered species
- Have positive attitude toward the lesson
- Have self-solving; communication, cooperation, using language, self-managing, creation; patriotism, humanism, modest, hard-working
Pair/group work Individual work
Unit 6: Endangered species
- Listen for specific information in a talk about why animals are in danger of extinction
- Have positive attitude toward the lesson
- Have self-solving; communication, cooperation, using language, self-managing, creation; patriotism, humanism, modest, hard-working
Pair/group work Individual work
Unit 6: Endangered species
- Write a report about an endangered species
- Have positive attitude toward the lesson
- Have self-solving; communication, cooperation, using language, self-managing, creation; patriotism, humanism, modest, hard-working
Pair/group work Individual work
Tuần 22
Từ ngày 01/02/2021 đến ngày 06/02/2021
Unit 6: Endangered species
Communication and culture
- Learn about how sea turtles are protected in Maylaysia
- Have positive attitude toward the lesson
- Have self-solving; communication, cooperation, using language, self-managing, creation; patriotism, humanism, modest, hard-working
Pair/group work Individual work
Unit 6: Endangered species
Looking back and project
- Revise knowledge students have learnt
- Design a poster for an endagered species and give a presentation about it
- Have positive attitude toward the lesson
- Have self-solving; communication, cooperation, using language, self-managing, creation; patriotism, humanism, modest, hard-working
Pair/group work Individual work
Unit 7: Artificial intelligence
Getting started
- Introduce the topic, some vocabulary related to artificial intellifence, and the grammar point: active and passive causatives
- Have positive attitude toward the lesson
- Have self-solving; communication, cooperation, using language, self-managing, creation; patriotism, humanism, modest, hard-working
Pair/group work Individual work
Tuần 23
Từ ngày 17/02/2021 đến ngày 20/02/2021
Unit 7: Artificial intelligence
- Understand and use words and phrases related to artificial intelligence
- Identify and use sentence stress correctly
- Use the active and passive causative structures in the sentences
- Have positive attitude toward the lesson
- Have self-solving; communication, cooperation, using language, self-managing, creation; patriotism, humanism, modest, hard-working
Pair/group work Individual work
Unit 7: Artificial intelligence
- Read for specific information in article about artifical intelligence applications
- Have positive attitude toward the lesson
- Have self-solving; communication, cooperation, using language, self-managing, creation; patriotism, humanism, modest, hard-working
Pair/group work Individual work
Unit 7: Artificial intelligence
- Talk about the risks of artificial intelligence
- Have positive attitude toward the lesson
- Have self-solving; communication, cooperation, using language, self-managing, creation; patriotism, humanism, modest, hard-working
Pair/group work Individual work
Tuần 24
Từ ngày 22/02/2021 đến ngày 27/02/2021
Unit 7: Artificial intelligence
- Listen for specific information in a conversation about the future of A.I
- Have positive attitude toward the lesson
- Have self-solving; communication, cooperation, using language, self-managing, creation; patriotism, humanism, modest, hard-working
Pair/group work Individual work
Unit 7: Artificial intelligence
- Write an essay about the advantages and disadvantages of intelligent machines
- Have positive attitude toward the lesson
- Have self-solving; communication, cooperation, using language, self-managing, creation; patriotism, humanism, modest, hard-working
Pair/group work Individual work
Unit 7: Artificial intelligence
Communication and culture
- Learn more about people’s attitudes towards intelligent machines
- Have positive attitude toward the lesson
- Have self-solving; communication, cooperation, using language, self-managing, creation; patriotism, humanism, modest, hard-working
Pair/group work Individual work
Tuần 25
Từ ngày 01/03/2021 đến ngày 06/03/2021
Unit 7: Artificial intelligence
Looking back and project
- Revise knowledge students have learnt in this unit
- Make a presentation on artificial intelligence/robots/a science-fiction film
- Have positive attitude toward the lesson
- Have self-solving; communication, cooperation, using language, self-managing, creation; patriotism, humanism, modest, hard-working
Pair/group work Individual work
Unit 8: The world of work
Getting started
- Introduce the topic, some vocabulary related to the world of work, stressed words (exceptions), and one grammar point: reported speech with orders, requests, offers, advice, instructions
- Have positive attitude toward the lesson
- Have self-solving; communication, cooperation, using language, self-managing, creation; patriotism, humanism, modest, hard-working
Pair/group work Individual work
Unit 8: The world of work
- Understand and use words and phrases related to the world of work
- Recognise stressed words (exceptions) and pronounce them correctly in connected speech
- Use reported speech; reporting orders, requests, offers, advice, instructions,...
- Have positive attitude toward the lesson
- Have self-solving; communication, cooperation, using language, self-managing, creation; patriotism, humanism, modest, hard-working
Pair/group work Individual work
Tuần 26
Từ ngày 08/03/2021 đến ngày 13/03/2021
Unit 8: The world of work
- Read for specific information in job advertisements
- Have positive attitude toward the lesson
- Have self-solving; communication, cooperation, using language, self-managing, creation; patriotism, humanism, modest, hard-working
Pair/group work Individual work
Unit 8: The world of work
- Discuss skills and qualities needed for getting a job
- Have positive attitude toward the lesson
- Have self-solving; communication, cooperation, using language, self-managing, creation; patriotism, humanism, modest, hard-working
Pair/group work Individual work
Unit 8: The world of work
- Listen for general ideas and specific information about how to write a good CV
- Have positive attitude toward the lesson
- Have self-solving; communication, cooperation, using language, self-managing, creation; patriotism, humanism, modest, hard-working
Pair/group work Individual work
Tuần 27
Từ ngày 15/03/2021 đến ngày 20/03/2021
Unit 8: The world of work
- Write a CV to support an application for employment
- Have positive attitude toward the lesson
- Have self-solving; communication, cooperation, using language, self-managing, creation; patriotism, humanism, modest, hard-working
Pair/group work Individual work
Unit 8: The world of work
Communication and culture
- Learn more about the job seeking experiences of an English school leaver
- Have positive attitude toward the lesson
- Have self-solving; communication, cooperation, using language, self-managing, creation; patriotism, humanism, modest, hard-working
Pair/group work Individual work
Unit 8: The world of work
Looking back and project
- Revise knowledge students have learnt in this unit
- Design a poster and give a presentation about one of these jobs
- Have positive attitude toward the lesson
- Have self-solving; communication, cooperation, using language, self-managing, creation; patriotism, humanism, modest, hard-working
Pair/group work Individual

File đính kèm:

  • docke_hoach_giao_duc_mon_tieng_anh_lop_12_chuong_trinh_10_nam.doc