Giáo án môn Tiếng Anh 6 Smart World - Unit 2: School


Lesson 1: p. 14

I. Objectives:

 By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:

a. Language knowledge and skills

- Vocabulary: gain vocabulary items about school subjects, including history, P.E (Physical Education), I.T (Information Technology), music, geography, literature, physics, biology, favorite (adj.)

- Structure: Ask and answer about favorite subjects with the questions – What’s your favorite subject? – What subject do you like best? – I like / My favorite subject is

 talk about subjects they like and dislike at school


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Giáo án môn Tiếng Anh 6 Smart World - Unit 2: School
i-Learn Smart World 6 (SB)
Week: Date of teaching:	
Period: 11
Lesson 1: p. 14
	By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
Language knowledge and skills
-	Vocabulary: gain vocabulary items about school subjects, including history, P.E (Physical Education), I.T (Information Technology), music, geography, literature, physics, biology, favorite (adj.)
-	Structure: Ask and answer about favorite subjects with the questions – What’s your favorite subject? – What subject do you like best? – I like  / My favorite subject is 
à talk about subjects they like and dislike at school
Core competencies and personal qualities
Raise motivations and interests in learning English as a foreign language
Develop communicative and team-working skills through learning activities
Illustrate problem-solving and critical-thinking skills through learning activities
Establish responsive and independent characteristics to be a life-long learner
Teaching aids:
Teacher’s aids: student’s book and teacher’s book, class CDs, flashcards, IWB software, projector/interactive whiteboard/TV.
Students’ aids: Student’s book, notebook, workbook.
T divides class into 6 groups, each group has to finish the crossword as quickly as possible.
Teacher gives feedback, then links to the theme: subjects
Teacher – Groupworks
Students in class
New lesson
A-Teaching new words. (10’) - 
Use context to introduce the new words:
“How many subjects do you have at school?”
T lists new words :
history, P.E ( Physical Education)(n) 
I.T ( Information Technology) (n)
 Geography (n) 
Physics (n)
 Biology (n)
favorite (a)
Teacher uses pictures to illustrate the meanings
Have students listen to and repeat each new word. (individual)
Ask the meaning in mother tongue as a confirmation.
Have students read all the words together (chorally). Correct student’s pronunciation if necessary.
Checking new words:
Teacher lets pictures of subjects appear one by one, students look and name these things.
Activity 1: match the words to the pictures (a /p.14):
Demonstrate the activity using sample.
Have students number the picture
Divide class into pairs and have them check their answers with the partners
Check answers as a whole class.
Play audio, have students listen and repeat.
History – C 
P.E – H 
 I.T - G 
Music – B 
Geography - D
Literature - E 
Physics – F 
Biology - A
Activity 2: group work (b/p. 14).
T has students note three more subjects and discuss if they like them
Have some students share their ideas with the class.
Activity 3 : listening (a, b / p 14)
T introduces the context of listening, has students listen and complete the faces in the blanks.
T has students listen two times, then discuss in groups
T checks and gives feedbacks
Answer :
Listening a : Sarah
Listening b:
B-Speaking. (10’)
T demonstrates the activity
T plays audio, has students listen and fill in the blanks
T checks answer as a whole class
What subjects do you like? – I like biology
What subject don’t you like? – I don’t like music
What’s your favorite subject? – My favorite subject is Art
Teacher – whole class/ individuals/ pairwork
Teacher/ Whole class/ pairwork
Teacher – groupwork
Teacher – whole class/ individuals
Activity : Survey
T has students work in groups. One student is group leader.
T explains the activity, makes model
Hello, my name is . .There are 4 members in my group: .. Hoa likes Math; she doesn’t like English.
Teacher – whole class/ individuals
Write about the subjects you like & dislike. ( 4-5 sentences)
Do exercise a, b, c / p 12 (workbook)
i-Learn Smart World 6 (SB)
Week: Date of teaching:	
Period: 12
Lesson 1: p. 15
	By the end of this lesson, students will be able to talk and list two or more ideas about the favorite subjects in a sentence.
Teaching aids:
Teacher’s aids: student’s book and teacher’s book, class CDs, flashcards, IWB software, projector/interactive whiteboard/TV.
Students’ aids: Student’s book, notebook, workbook.
Language focus:
Vocabulary:review some vocabulary about subjects.
Structure: what’s your favorite subject ? – What subject do you like best ? what’s yours?
I like . / My favorite subject is ../ Mine is 
Chain game:
- T has students take turn to ask the person next to the question
“What is your favorite subject?”
I like ./ My favorite subject is..
- T explains the rule: The answers of students must be different from the ones in the same table.
Teacher – whole class
Activity 1 (7’): who writes faster?
Teacher demonstrates the activity: T shows the pictures of subjects on the screen.
Each student from 2 groups will write the word as quickly as possible.
Teacher checks the dictation.
Activity 2 : Pair-work (5’)
Teacher asks students to look at the picture.
Play audio and have students listen and read the conversation in silent.
Have students practice in pairs.
Activity 3 : Circle the correct words (pair – work)
T makes example for the task.
Have students discuss in pairs, circle the answers.
Have students share their answers with class.
Grammar : 
Using and/ or for listing
Ex: I like Math and biology.
I don’t like Math, biology or music.
Possessive pronouns : mine / yours
We use mine, your o we don’t say the same words (ex: your favorite subject 
Ex: My favorite subject is Physics. 
 What’s yours? (your favorite subject)
 Mine is English. (My favorite subject)
Activity 4 : write the sentences using the prompts (individual)
T makes an example, have students write sentences using the prompts.
Have pairs check each other’s work.
Have some students share their answers with the class.
Teacher – whole class/ pairwork
Teacher – pairwork/ individual
Teacher-whole class/ individuals
Activity 5: Chain game
Teacher asks “which subjects do you like and dislike?”
Have some students prepare their answers in 2 minutes (they can write their answers down on the notebook if they want), then speak out the answers.
Teacher – individuals
Review new words about subjects
Do exercise a, b / p.13 ( workbook)
i-Learn Smart World 6 (SB)
Week: Date of teaching:	
Period: 13
Lesson 1: pronunciation - p.16
	By the end of this lesson, students will be able to notice how the sound changes of the underlined words.
Teaching aids:
Teacher’s aids: student’s book and teacher’s book, class CDs, flashcards, IWB software, projector/interactive whiteboard/TV.
Students’ aids: Student’s book, notebook, workbook.
Language focus:
Structure : prononciation: I like history, science, and history.
I like it / It’s OK/ I dont like it.
Game: Which one is about school subject or activities?
T prepares some mixed vocabulary of two topics.
T divides class into 2 groups, each pair will see the words, clap hands one time if it is about subject, 2 times if it is about school activity.
Words: music, soccer club, art club, Math, English, Biology, Art and craft, Literature, Physics, indoor activity.
Teacher – whole class
New lesson
A-Pronunciation. (10’)
Activity 1: 
Teacher shows example sentences to class, have students speak loudly. 
Teacher lets students listen and recognize the differences. (b/p. 16)
Teacher has students listen and repeat
Activity 2: listen and cross one out (c/p. 16)
Students listen and repeat
Practice reading the sentences with partners
Further practice:
Teacher gives some sentences for students to practice
Some students read loudly
B-Practice – Practice the conversation, swap roles & repeat. (10’)
Activity 1: reading – play role.
Teacher lets students choose their own answers.
A pair of students play role & read aloud the conversation.
Have students practice in pairs, role play the conversation.
What subjects do you like?
I like art, physics and math.
What subject don’t you like?
I don’t like Literature and biology.
Another pair makes a conversation with their own ideas, then 
present in front of the class
Teacher corrects student’s pronunciation if necessary.
Activity 2: school subjects survey 
Have students fill in the survey for themselves
Demonstrate the activity by asking and answering with a student.
Divides class into groups of four.
Have students take turns by asking and answering, then complete the survey.
Have some group share their findings with the class.
Teacher – whole class
Teacher/ Whole class
Teacher – whole class/ pairs
Teacher – whole class/ individuals
Activity 3: Discussion
“Which subjects are the most popular in your group?”
Teacher asks “which subjects are the most popular in your group?”
Have some students look at their answers and decide, share their findings.
Teacher – whole class/ individuals
Write about 5-7 sentences, introducing about the subjects they like and dislike.
i-Learn Smart World 6 (SB)
Week: Date of teaching:	
Period: 14
Lesson 2 (p. 17)
	By the end of this lesson, students will be able to understand and talk about some school activities
Teaching aids:
Teacher’s aids: student’s book and teacher’s book, class CDs, flashcards, IWB software, projector/interactive whiteboard/TV, real object of cooking utensils.
Students’ aids: Student’s book, notebook, workbook.
Language focus:
Vocabulary: act (v), sign up (v), outdoor activity (n), art and draft (n), indoor activity (n), drama club (n)
Game: Hangman
Teacher divides class into 4 groups, each group discusses and guesses the letters to find out the key word.
If students guess correct letter, they will get one mark, two marks for the key words
Teacher – whole class
Whole class
New lesson
A-Teaching new words. (10’) - 
Use a context to introduce new words, using the simple words and pictures
New words:
Indoor activity(n) 
Outdoor activity(n)
Act (v)
 Sign up (v)
Drama club (n)
Art and crafts (n)
Teacher uses pictures to illustrate the meanings
Have students listen to and repeat each new word. (individual)
Ask the meaning in mother tongue as a confirmation.
Have students repeat all the words together (chorally). 
Correct student’s pronunciation if necessary.
Checking new words:
Teacher lets pictures of subjects appear one by one.
Students look and name these things.
Activity 1: Circle the correct definition for the underlined words (a /p. 17):
T demonstrates the activity, making model
T has students read the sentences and circles the correct definitions.
T has students work in pairs, discuss and share their answers.
T checks the answers with the whole class
T has students listen to the audio and repeat.
indoor activities
drama club
sign up
outdoor activity
arts and drafts
Activity 2: group works (a /p.17):
Teacher has students work in 4 groups, two groups about indoor activities, two groups about outdoor activities. Each group will list out as many words about their topic as possible.
Teacher has some group members share their answers with the class.
Activity 3: READING - group works (a /p.17):
Teacher shows a picture of Danliver High School, introduces briefly about this school.
T divides class into 4 groups. Each group has a piece of paper with their question. They will move to some locations around classroom to find out their answer.
In 5 minutes, groups must finish it and come back to their seats.
Teacher has some members share their answers.
Teacher – whole class/ individuals/ pairwork
Teacher/ Whole class/ groupwork
Teacher – pair works/ individuals
Teacher – group works/ 
Teacher has students discuss in pairs, talk about the school activities they like 
Ex: I like soccer club. I usually play every weekend.
T makes a model to help the student be clear with what they will say, at least 2 sentences.
T has students take turns to speak aloud their sentences.
T corrects the pronunciation mistakes if possible.
Teacher – pair-works/ the whole class
Write down 3 sentences about the school activities you like doing.
i-Learn Smart World 6 (SB)
Week: Date of teaching:	
Period: 15
Lesson 2: (p. 18)
	By the end of this lesson, students will be able to practice the structure like + V-ing to express what you really want to do.
Teaching aids:
Teacher’s aids: student’s book and teacher’s book, class CDs, flashcards, IWB software, projector/interactive whiteboard/TV, real object of cooking utensils.
Students’ aids: Student’s book, notebook, workbook.
Language focus:
Grammar : like + V-ing
Ways to add ING after some verbs
Game: Pelmanism
T shows the game with some boxes, explains the rules of the game
T divides the class into 2 groups, each group tries to guess 2 boxes that match correctly, one is name of club, and one is the picture of activity equivalently.
The group guesses more correct answers will be the winner.
Teacher – whole class
New lesson
Activity 1: pair works (a/ P. 18)
Teacher has students look at the picture, introduces 2 students
Teacher has students listen to the audio and read the speech bubbles.
Teacher has students practice reading aloud.
Further practice:
Teacher has students replace their own information based on the game above.
T corrects the pronunciation if possible.
Grammar : LIKE + V-ING
Ex: Do you like reading books?
T explains like + V-ing to talk about things we like to do often.
Noting ways to add ING
After consonant e: remove e and replace with ing
Ex :make -> making
After consonant + vowel + consonant of one syllable verbs : double the final consonant and add ING
Ex : swim -> swimming
Do not double the final consonant when the word ends in w, x, or y
Ex : play -> playing
Activity 2: Individual : Rewrite the verbs using ING 
Teacher has students do individually, add ING to the verbs to make the ING form.
Teacher has students check in pairs
Teacher has some students share their answers with the class.
Activity 3: Pair work : Fill in the blanks
Teacher has students discuss in pair to fill in the blanks 
Teacher has 2 pairs speak out loud to check their answers
Answer :
Doing outdoor activities
Playing tennis
Teacher has students practice in pairs.
Teacher has some pairs speak aloud and corrects pronunciation if possible.
Teacher – whole class/ pairwork
Teacher/ Whole class/ groupwork
Teacher – whole class/ individuals
Teacher / pair works
Activity 4: Free speaking 
Teacher has students work in groups, number the sentences to make a meaningful conversation
Ms White: Which activities do you want to sign up for?
Maria: Yes, I like playing soccer.
Ms White: Why don’t you sign up for outdoor sport club or drama club?
Maria: Yes, good idea!
Ms White: How about soccer?
Maria: Yes, it’s fun to act in plays, too.
Ms White: Oh. You like outdoor activities. And do you like acting?
Maria: Hmn, I don’t know. I don’t like indoor activities.
Teacher has students share the answer, checks it.
Teacher has students practice the conversation in pairs.
Teacher encourages students to make their own conversation and speak out loud.
Teacher – group – works/ pair - works
Do exercise b / 15 (workbook)
i-Learn Smart World 6 (SB)
Week: Date of teaching:	
Period: 16
Lesson 2: (p. 19)
	By the end of this lesson, students will be able to identify the sound changes in speaking and listening.
 Teaching aids:
Teacher’s aids: student’s book and teacher’s book, class CDs, flashcards, IWB software, projector/interactive whiteboard/TV.
Students’ aids: Student’s book, notebook, workbook.
Language focus:
Prononciation: Yes, I do / No, I don ‘t
Warm up
Do you like ?
Teacher makes a model with one student, then calls some pairs to make a short conversation.
Teacher shows some cards of different clubs at school.
Ex : 
A: Do you like drawing?
B: Yes, I do / No, I don’t.
Some pairs take turn to make the same , using structure 
“Do you like.?”
Teacher – whole class
New lesson
Teacher focuses on one example, briefly explains the pronunciation features for positive answers and negative answers.
Activity 1 : Pair work
Teacher has students listen and cross out the option that doesn’t use the correct pronunciation feature.
Teacher has some students answer, checks answers as a whole class.
Answer: Yes, I do – wrong, intonation goes up.
Activity 2: Role play.
Teacher demonstrates the activity by practicing the role-play with a student.
Teacher divides the class into pairs to practice the conversation.
Teacher has them swap roles and practice again.
Teacher has some pairs speak aloud and checks the pronunciation.
Activity 3 : pair work
Teacher asks students to work in pairs, using their own ideas to practice with their partners.
Teacher has some pairs demonstrate the activity in front of class.
Activity 4: SPEAKING: Let’s join a club! 
T demonstrates the activity by practicing the role-play with a student.
T divides class into pairs to practice the conversation
T has some pairs demonstrate the role-play in front of the class.
Teacher – whole class/ pairwork
Teacher/ pairwork
Teacher – whole class/ pairs
Wrap -up
Speaking: Which club do most people want to join?
Teacher has students join another pair; discuss which club most people want to join.
Teacher has some students share their finding with the class.
Ex: As I know, most of my friends like dance club, because it’s fun. 
Teacher – whole class/ individuals
Exercise Writing / p. 15 (workbook)
Teacher can write some example sentences to help students clear out what they will write.
i-Learn Smart World 6 (SB)
Week: Date of teaching:	
Period: 17
Lesson 3: (p. 20)
	By the end of this lesson, students will be able to talk about different kinds of books, practice some questions about their favorite kinds of book.
Teaching aids:
Teacher’s aids: student’s book and teacher’s book, class CDs, flashcards, IWB software, projector/interactive whiteboard/TV.
Students’ aids: Student’s book, notebook, workbook.
Language focus:
Vocabulary: fantasy (a) , novel (n), mystery (n), adventure (n), author (n)
Structure: Wh- questions (what / which / who / why)
Warm up
Game: Who is faster?
T divides class into two groups
T says aloud the name of club, students must say aloud the activity they can do in that club.
Ex: T says “ I join Art Club”
Students say “You can draw pictures.”
The group who answers faster will get one point, until T says “ I join book club”, students say “ You can read books”
T leads to the new lesson.
Teacher – whole class
New lesson
New words :
T uses the context, simple English, pictures to illustrate the meaning of the words
fantasy (a) 
 novel (n)
mytery (n)
adventrure (n)
author (n)
Have students listen to and repeat each new word. (individual)
Ask the meaning in mother tongue as a confirmation.
Have students all together (chorally). 
Correct student’s pronunciation if necessary.
Checking new words
Teacher has students match the column A (English) with B (Vietnamese)
Activity 1: group work 
Teacher demonstrates the activity using the example.
Teacher has students read the text; match the underlined words with the definitions.
Teacher has some group members share their answers
Teacher checks the answers
Answer :
Activity 2 : pair work
Teacher has students ask their partner which story he/she would like to read.
Teacher has some students share their ideas with the class.
Activity 3 : group work
T introduces 2 students Grace, Jamie. 
T has them listen to the audio to circle the speaker’s favorite kind of book.
Teacher checks their answers
Answer: Grace : mystery
 Jamie : adventure
Activity 4 : group work
T demonstrates the activity, has students listen to the audio and fill in the blanks.
T has some group members show their answer, checks them.
Answer :
Teacher – whole class/ individuals/ pairwork
Teacher/ Whole class/ group work
Teacher – whole class/ pairs
T demonstrates the activity by showing the picture of story book “Harry Porter”, has students listen to the audio and repeat.
What’s your favorite book?
What kind of book is it?
Who’s the author?
Why do you like it?
T shows some pictures of different books, has students practice in pairs.
T has some pairs speak aloud in front of the class. 
Teacher – whole class/ pair works
Do exercise the workbook
i-Learn Smart World 6 (SB)
Week: Date of teaching:	
Period: 18
Lesson 4: READING (p. 21)
	By the end of this lesson, students will be able to understand a review book, write a review about your favorite book.
Teaching aids:
Teacher’s aids: student’s book, teacher’s book, CDs, flashcards, IWB software, projector/interactive whiteboard/TV.
Students’ aids: Student’s book, notebook, workbook.
Language focus:
Vocabulary: interesting (a), peaceful (a), village (n), think – thought (v), wind (n)
Previous lesson
Short clip movie: Yellow flowers on the Green Grass
T has students watch a trailer clip of the film, asks students if they know about this movie.
What is the name of the film?
Who is the author of this story?
Do you know characters in this movie?
Who is the director of the film?
Suggested answers “
Yellow flowers on the green grass.
Nguyen Nhat Anh
Yes, Thieu – a main character
Victor Vu
Teacher – whole class
New lesson
T uses the context, simple English, pictures to illustrate the meaning of the words
Intersting (a)
 village (n)
peaceful (a)
wind (n)
think - thought (v)
Have students listen to and repeat each word. (individual)
Ask the meaning in mother tongue language as a confirmation.
Have students read all together (chorally). 
Correct student’s pronunciation if necessary.
Checking new words
T has students match the column A (English) with B (Vietnamese)
Activity 1: group work 
T demonstrates the activity by making model.
T has students work in groups, read the text together and decide True / False. If False, try to understand why it’s wrong.
T has some groups share their own answers.
T checks, corrects and asks if the sentences are false.
Activity 2: Pair works
T has two students role play, read aloud the conversation. T corrects the pronunciation if possible.
T has students work in pairs, practice the dialogue, then swap the roles.
T has 2 pairs speak aloud again.
T notices the information in the conversation, has students underline them. 
Activity 3: pair work
T has students practice role - playing with other books they know
T has some pairs share their ideas with class
Writing tips
T explains when to use capital letters 
Teacher – whole class/ individuals/ pairwork
Teacher/ Whole class/ groupwork
Teacher – whole class/ pairs
Teacher – whole class/ individuals
Activity 4 : individually
T has students answer questions in part b/ p. 21 with their own ideas.
T can make a model with a student’s answer in writing a short paragraph about “ FAVORITE BOOK”
Ex: My favorite book is Conan. It’s a children novel. The author is.. I like this book because it’s very thrilling, exciting. It’s about a famous detective who is very intelligent and kind. I think you should read it.
Teacher – whole class/ individuals
Write paragraph (40-50 words) about your favorite book.
i-Learn Smart World 6 (SB)
Week: Date of teaching:	
Period: 19
Lesson 4: REVIEW (p.88)
	By the end of this lesson, students will be able to practice listening and reading about the school subjects and activities.
Teaching aids:
Teacher’s aids: student’s book, teacher’s book, CDs, flashcards, IWB software, projector/interactive whiteboard/TV.
Students’ aids: Student’s book, notebook, workbook.
Language focus:
Vocabulary: discover (v), secret (a), become (v), take care of (v), friendship (n)
Previous lesson
Game : Kim’s game
T divides class into two groups, shows some pictures about school subjects and activities students learnt.
T lets each group 3 minutes to write on the board the words they saw.
T checks the dictation.
The group which has more correct words will be the winner.
T has students repeat the words, checks the meanings if necessary. 
Teacher – whole class
New lesson
Activity 1: group works
T explains the task and has students listen to five short conversations.
T has students discuss in groups, then share their answers
T checks and gives feedback
New lesson
T has students close their books, has them write a dictation
T reads “I really like art, English and Literature. They’re really interesting and can be fun. I don’t like math, geography, or science. They’re boring.”
T has some students write on the board.
Teacher has students open their books and check their dictation.
Teacher uses the context, simple English, pictures to illustrate the meaning of the words
discover (v)
secret (a)
become (v)
take care of (v)
friendship (n)
Have students listen to and repeat each new word. (individual)
Ask the meaning in mother tongue as a confirmation.
Have students read all together (chorally). Correct student’s pronunciation if necessary.
Activity 2: group works
T explains the task and gives students time to read the text
T has students discuss and answer TRUE/FALSE sentences 
T has some students share their answers 
Simon’s favorite subject is Math.- FALSE
Simon loves learning about people from different places and times. TRUE
Mary Lennox lives with her aunt and discovers and secret garden. FALSE
He loves the friendship of Mary with Dickon and Colin. TRUE
Activity 3: Pair works
T explains the task an gives students time to read the text
T has students share their answers with partners.
T has some students share their answers and asks them to make clear the information based on the text if possible.
Teacher – whole class/ individuals/ pairwork
Teacher/ Whole class/ groupwork
Teacher – whole class/ pairs
Teacher – whole class/ individuals
Free speaking:
T has students talk about their favorite novel/ story they wrote in last lesson.
Teacher – whole class/ individuals
Review vocabulary and prepare new lesson.
i-Learn Smart World 6 (SB)
Week: Date of teaching:	
Period: 20
Lesson 4: REVIEW (p. 89)
	By the end of this lesson, students will be able to practice listening and reading about the school subjects and activities.
Teaching aids:
Teacher’s aids: student’s book and teacher’s book, class CDs, flashcards, IWB software, projector/interactive whiteboard/TV.
Students’ aids: Student’s book, notebook, workbook.
Language focus:
Review: Present progressive (am/is/are + V-ing) 
How to write a letter/ postcard
Warm-up : Unscramble words
T divides class into 4 groups, each group has one flashboard.
T shows these words (sign up, history, geography, fantasy, novel, literature, drama club, art and crafts) in unscrambled orders
T has students rearrange the order of letters to make the meaningful words, write them on the flashboard.
The group who writes first and correctly will be the winner.
T checks and gives feedback
Teacher-whole class
New lesson
T reviews the words above and checks the meanings if necessary.
T leads to the new lesson.
Activity 1 (5’): group work
Have students quickly read the sentences, work in group to fill in the blanks with the correct words.
T has students share their answers together.
T has some group members write their answers on the board.
T checks the answers and gives feedback.
Arts and crafts
Sign up
Drama club
Activity 2: Grammar (pair work)
T has students work in pairs, discuss and speak out their answers.
Activity 3 : pronunciation
Teachers has students pronounce and decide which word has different stress.
T has students write down the answer on the flashboards, and checks.
The group has the most correct answers will be the winner
T reads aloud these words, gives students the correct stress of the words to show the differences.
Teacher – whole class/ groupwork
Teacher – whole class/ groupwork
Teacher-whole class/ Pair work
Teacher/ Whole class
Have students play role of two students to talk about their favorite school club.
Suggested answer
Which club do you want to sign up for?
Hmn. I don’t know
There is a .. Do you like .?
How about .?
Yes, I really like.
Why don’t you sign up for it?
Yes, good idea.
Students show their presentation to class. 
Teacher checks and gives feedback.
Teacher – whole class/ pair work

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