Phiếu bài tập môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 3 - Phiếu số 16

I. Read and complete

Hello. My (a)__________ Nam.

I'm eight (b)____________ old. I'm in class 3A.

This is my best (c) __________ Mai. She is eight years old too.

Here are Peter and Linda. Peter is (d)___________ and Linda is nine. They're my (e)_______ too.


doc 2 trang phuongnguyen 20/07/2022 3560
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Phiếu bài tập môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 3 - Phiếu số 16
Class: 3/ 
I. Read and complete 
Hello. My (a)__________ Nam.
I'm eight (b)____________ old. I'm in class 3A.
This is my best (c) __________ Mai. She is eight years old too.
Here are Peter and Linda. Peter is (d)___________ and Linda is nine. They're my (e)_______ too.
II. Circle the best answer.
1/ How are you?
I’m fine .Thank you.
I’m John.
2/ What color is this?
It’s black. 
It’s a bag.
3/ What’s this? 
Yes, it is. 
It’s a pen. 
4/ Is this a book?
It’s a pen.
No, it is not.
5/ a. Sit down.
 b. Look at the board.
6/ a. Put your book away.
 b. Raise your hand.
7/ a. Open your book.
 b. Close your book.
8/ a. Stand up.
 b. Sit down.
9/ a. Is this a book? Yes, it is.
 b. Is this a pencil? Yes, it is. 
10/ a. It’s a chair.
 b. It’s a ruler.
III. Odd one out.
1.A. name 	B. class 	C. library 	D. school
2.A. she 	B. friend 	C. I 	D. he 
3. A. big 	B. it’s 	C. small 	D. new 
4. A. that 	B. pen 	C. book 	D. ruler 
5. A. my 	B. your 	C. her 	D. classroom 

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